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Watch this ad for energy!

Zynga has come up with a new, brilliant idea to generate more advertising dollars!

Just now, I was surprised to see the following pop-up:

When I pressed "Watch Now!", the ad started as a series of images (NOT video).

I answered "No", so I guess they decided to give me the gum ad instead of the travel ad.

After the above question was answered, the results of the poll were shown:

Next, there was a fill-in question.  I didn't take a screenshot of it or remember what the question was.  This was the last image:

When I pressed the "Return to Game" button, I was returned to the game and 3 energy was immediately added to my energy bar.

The whole process takes less than 30 seconds if you don't take the questions too seriously.

Is it worth the 3 energy to you?  Would you do it?

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